At the moment, I’m turning my handwritten, Frankenstein monster of a manuscript into a digital text file and it’s taking longer than I anticipated. It’s not to say that that is all that is on my plate to complete but it’s getting there. In addition to typing, I’m
creating the cover art. I thought I had it all done, but with each version, I find a way to improve. For instance, the first version suited the story but it didn’t match the other books in the Sapodilla Resort + Spa series. Now that I’ve got something that matches them, I’m not completely satisfied. I’ve got an idea of how to improve it but I’ve got to make the time to sit down and tweak.
drafting the book description. It’s pretty much the same as the cover art where I’ve drafted one but it’s not sitting well with me. In these moments, I have to remind myself that done is better than perfect. Also, I can take the time to revisit it while I work on the next book. Nothing here is set in stone (another reminder to self).
writing the next book. I had it all outlined and when I was finished with Maid for More, I went right into it. To the point that I got stuck for a day or two and I started to question everything. Just to realize that I needed a moment of rest and doing nothing to come up with solutions. Still, I’m taking a break from that novel so as to complete this book and get it out to market.
went back out to my “day job”. This was a double-edged sword as I worked on books from my regular clients but I realized that I’m not up for taking on new ones. Correction, new ones that have elaborate books. I’ve noticed that it sucked away a lot of time and energy from the laundry list of work for my book writing and publishing. I now see the clear distinction between my “day job” life and my author life and the former, although a cash-strapped existence, is the preferred.
So, what is on my plate moving forward?
completing typing up the manuscript;
re-writing the manuscript. In this instance, I will be amping up the emotional aspect of the book as well as improving the characters and their aims and actions;
editing the manuscript. A few run-throughs and one with software. I have issues with “through” being “though” because the latter is a proper word and neither Word nor I would pick it up, lol;
completing the cover art;
formatting the manuscript for both ebook and print book;
creating the print book cover art;
setting up the ebook and print book to publish through Amazon KDP;
updating the back matter of the previous books in the series
and allllll the promotional stuff.
Gosh, and the last is a list onto itself. I never realized how much work it took until now. I just did it when I penciled in the time for it. Still, I enjoy the process, in fact, I think I enjoy it more than having the book in my hand or selling the book.
With that said, I think I will be re-evaluating how I view my author career with the focus on doing what I enjoy and not fussing over what may cause me stress. I suppose it’s only here I can say I love what I do without having to show that it is benefitting me financially.
It’s a work of love and mastering something. What more can I ask for in this lifetime?